Christmas in Caledonia
Please join us on Saturday, December 2 for Christmas in Caledonia on Main Street!
Local businesses open to offer free holiday goodies at 5:30pm as the festivities begin. The Santa Parade kicks off at 6pm. Following the parade: Tree Lighting Ceremony, Nutcracker Dance Performance, Santa visits & photos, live music & Christmas Caroling, and much MORE!
Santa Parade Participants:
There is no fee to participate in the Santa Parade, but we are asking participants to register this year. Please register using the REGISTER button above or download the registration form here.
Please take a moment to go over the Santa Parade rules & regulations found here.
Sponsorship and Vendor Booth opportunities available. Please register using the REGISTER button above or download form here.
Date and Time
Saturday Dec 2, 2017
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST
Saturday, December 2nd
Local businesses open at 5:30pm
Santa Parade at 6pm
On Main Street in Caledonia
Free to attend!
Contact Information
Caledonia Area Chamber of Commerce
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